We need each other to fulfill the purpose that God has for His church. We must work togther, leader and laity, for the sake of the gospel.
God has always raised up leaders whose hearts were devoted to Him. These are the men that God chooses to lead the church. Deacons are leading servants under the authority of Christ in His church.
This issue for pastors is not leadership skills, but being a faithful example of a Christ follower. A pastor must answer the question, "What would happen if the church imitated me?"
We need to be reminded that church leadership affects every follower of Christ. There is too much at stake, not only for own lives, but for the life of the church.
Leaders in the church who lead for any other reason than to humbly, sacrificially, draw others to Christ with no regard for their own recognition, must repent, seek God’s and the church’s forgiveness, and return to the Example of Christ!